The links shown are to curriculum resources to support learning away from the academy. For additional ideas of activities please click here. Should Hawes Side Academy be forced to close we will be sending out weekly 'Learning Projects' to ensure your child's education is continued in these challenging times. 


Joe Wicks, the Body Coach,  is doing a great job of keeping the nation fit and healthy, his live streams and pre-recorded videos are available to watch on demand on his youtube channel. 


Loads of free e-books to read at home (sign up is free)  

Your child will know if they have a logon for this resource.

Free resources available to all during the coronavirus outbreak, just sign up!

 Your child will know if they have a logon for this resource


Prodigy Maths - Your child will know if they have a logon for this resource


Free resources to support learning at home



Maths resources will be made available to families to support learning at home


Times Tables RockStar - Your child will know if they have a logon for this resource


 Maths resources and Games for 5-11 year olds

Discovery Education, links to the whole curriculum, login details were sent via an app message. 

Purple Mash, login details provided in class.