Our aim is to make the most of every child's ability and potential.  Each individual matters and everyone should have the opportunity to succeed and to contribute to the life of the school. Our curriculum is relevant, exciting and meets the requirements of the national curriculum. It has a project-based, thematic approach and provides children with a range of rich and memorable learning experiences. This helps them to develop their sense of self and their place in the world.


  • Engage children through interesting topics and hands-on activities.
  • Make meaningful links between subjects.
  • Develop children’s skills, knowledge and understanding of a range of themes and concepts.
  • Make effective connections to the real world.
  • Help children to think creatively and solve problems.
  • Develop children’s capacities to work independently and collaboratively.
  • Enable children to make choices about their learning.
  • Take account of children’s interests and fascinations.


Our approach:

  • develops children to the best of their abilities
  • helps children to find their passions and interests
  • facilitates children’s acquisition of knowledge, skills and understanding
  • helps children to develop intellectually, emotionally, socially, physically and morally
  • assists children in becoming independent, responsible, useful, confident and considerate members of the community
  • promotes a positive attitude towards learning, so children enjoy coming to school
  • helps children to acquire a solid basis for lifelong learning
  • creates and maintains an exciting and stimulating learning environment
  • ensures that each child’s education has continuity and progression
  • enables children to contribute positively within a culturally diverse society


Children mature and progress at different rates and Hawes Side Academy every effort is made to meet the individual needs of your child.


All children study the following elements of the curriculum:                     



English is at the heart of our curriculum and quality books are its lifeblood. English is taught via a consistent, highly systematic approach. It initially lays strong foundations in both oracy and literacy within Foundation Stage pupils and goes on to provide systematic teaching throughout the primary years. Our curriculum is evidence based and has been proven to raise standards in reading and writing.


We provide a wide range of opportunities for children to explore and develop phonic knowledge and comprehension strategies, develop vocabulary and spelling, improve grammatical awareness, analyse whole texts and develop writing in a wide range of genres. 


In Foundation Stage, our children learn Phonics and early reading skills.  Children in years 1-6 have a 90 minute English lesson each day that allows for extensive practice of reading and thinking skills, as well as providing time for effective writing.



Mathematical skills are considered vital to enable a person to function effectively in society. We aim to develop children's abilities to think analytically, solve problems and apply mathematics accurately and effectively in the real world.    Competence and confidence in Mathematics are viewed as basic entitlements for the children of this school.   Much time and energy are spent in helping this to be achieved.   In so doing we hope to impart a feeling of enjoyment in the subject, a pleasure in the recognition of patterns and the resolution of problems.


Mathematics is treated where possible as a practical subject where we aim to encourage a lively sense of interest using everyday examples to do with number, measurement and shape. Children are expected to learn tables in what we hope is an interesting way.



At Hawes Side Academy our vision for Science is to develop children’s passion for the subject which will enable them to be curious about the world and scientific phenomena. We want to build an environment where the children can feel confident to learn from their mistakes and deepen their scientific knowledge by applying a range of skills. We believe these opportunities will equip them to become life-long learners and continually question the world around them.  



At Hawes Side Academy we aim to provide our students with extensive skills to prepare them for the increasing number of new technologies that they will inevitably face. In this ever growing technological world we want our children to be able to use these technologies, be aware of how they work and have a clear understanding as to how to keep themselves safe while online. We believe that these skills will provide our pupils with a firm foundation in computing, which they can build on throughout their lives.


From Foundation Stage all the way to Year 6, our pupils have daily access to a range of different devices to support and enhance their work. We are strongly committed to the development of computing across our school.


Religious Education

Our R.E curriculum helps us to demonstrate our moral foundation through the value we place on everyone involved in the life of our school. It also consolidates our belief that everyone is unique and deserves to be treated with respect for their individuality whilst fostering a nurturing environment where personal confidence can grow. Through R.E we believe pupils develop their knowledge of the world faiths and their understanding and awareness of the beliefs, values and traditions of other individuals, societies, communities and cultures. We encourage all pupils to be curious in order to gain a better understanding about the world they live in and to reflect on their own beliefs, values and experiences to understand the importance of tolerance.  Through R.E we aspire to reflect and understand how our history has contributed to the culture and creativity of our nation. 



At Hawes Side we believe that for children to thoroughly understand the present and aspire for their future they must be able to explore and learn from the past. Our aim is for the children to access the rich tapestry of life and adapt to our ever-changing world by being curious and inquisitive. 


As historians we want our children to have the confidence, knowledge and skills to explore their heritage and challenge their thinking by being exposed to a wide range of historical events and figures. We believe adopting an inquisitive approach to history that will enable the children to have a greater understanding of their ‘own identity’ and respect for the diverse society in which we live.  



At Hawes Side, we believe our children should be active learners taking a keen interest in the world around them. Our aim is for all children to know what it is to be a geographer starting their journey by exploring Blackpool. We want our children to know how privileged we are to live in a coastal resort rich in natural and human habitats. We aspire for all our children to recognise their responsibility in caring for the world in which they live and the important role they have on ensuring the sustainability of our planet for future generations.  


Design Technology 

Our vision at Hawes Side Academy is that children are able to design and make products that solve real and relevant problems. It is where skills and knowledge are drawn together in the creation of a product. We want to develop the children’s independence so they feel confident to make design choices, knowing that if it does not work out as expected, their evaluation will help to move their design on next time.

The different areas that will be covered are Structures, Card Making, Textiles, Mechanisms and Food Technology.  Through these areas, the children will look at the work of professional craftspeople and designers.           

Our hope is that we can provide the children with a foundation in design and technology, that could help to train the engineers and architects of the future!


Physical Education and Sport                                                                                                                                                   

We aim to develop skills progressively so that children may achieve their potential, individually and as part of a team.

We offer a variety of activities in this area - including sports such as athletics, cricket, football, hockey, netball, rugby and swimming - according to the age of the child.  

We are fortunate to have extensive playground and playing field to enable us to pursue these activities.  Many are practised at lunch times and after school as well as during physical education lessons.   Our sporting teams successfully compete against other local schools.

In the event of minor illness or injury, parents/guardians may wish their child to be excused from a particular lesson.   In such a case a signed letter to this effect must be provided. It may be necessary to request a doctor’s letter if there is a series of such requests.



Children work with various media, e.g. paint, clay, wood, in order to develop their skills and aesthetic appreciation. We encourage children to express themselves and to interpret and appreciate the works of other artists. 



Our vision at Hawes Side Academy is for music to be embedded into every aspect of school life. We want to build a community that enables the personal expression of thoughts and feelings through playing, singing, creating and performing. We strongly believe that music is at the heart of the classroom and that all children should be given the opportunity to develop their confidence and to learn a universal skill that will accompany them into the future. We believe that music consists of a range of social and cultural experiences that are woven through our curriculum. By collaborating, playing and exploring our children will develop a better understanding of the world around them.

Please click to read our music development plan summary to see how we will deliver this high-quality music provision through our curriculum, co-curricular music and musical experiences, taking into account the key features in the national plan for music education.


PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education) and Citizenship

These subject areas aim to prepare children to play an active role as citizens developing their confidence and responsibility and making the most of their abilities.  The children learn about healthy and safe life styles, the importance of building good relationships and respecting the differences between people. 



At Hawes Side we are in the unique position of being able to expose our children to a contrasting culture rich in history and a growing language of the future. We believe in giving our children an advantage by offering the opportunity to learn Mandarin and the Chinese culture. Our investment in this area of learning is visible through our dedicated Confucius classroom where the children experience a variety of creative and cultural experiences. We are proud that our children are taught by a team of Mandarin speaking staff. We aspire for our children to understand the value of equality in a diverse society and to treat others with care and respect.  


Cross-Curricular issues such as Health and Social Education.

We aim to enable children to care for their own bodies and to develop appropriate social relationships.


Sex Education is taught as part of the wider Health and Social Education policy and is related to aspects of National Curriculum Science. Our aim is to ensure that children acquire accurate knowledge set within the context of caring relationships. The approaches and content of sex education will be matched to the ages of the children and will take account of special educational needs.   Parents are informed when this subject is to be taught and are invited to view the materials prior to their use.


Parents/Guardians may withdraw their child from whole or part of sex education, apart from those elements which are required as part of National Curriculum Science.  Such withdrawals should be requested in writing.


For more information about the curriculum followed at Hawes Side Academy see our 'Curriculum Maps' and 'Helping you child to learn' pages.


Our Curriculum










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